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Spain | Cordoba

Courtyard of the Posada de Pilar

We stayed at a Posada in Cordoba which was charming although hard to find. Thank goodness we had WAZE to wind us through the narrow streets.

Another View of the beautiful Courtyard

The courtyard was like taking a step back in time.

For Senora del Pilar

Memorial to the Senora del Pilar

Mom and Shannon overlooking the Courtyard

Mom and Shannon looking down at the courtyard from the balcony on the second floor.

Entering the Mosque Cathedral

The Mezquita-Cathedral, or the Great Mosque of Cordoba is one of the oldest structures still standing from the time Muslims ruled in the late 8th century. Historians believe that there had first been a temple to the Roman god, Janus, on this site. The temple was converted into a church by invading Visigoths who seized Cordoba in 572. Next, the church was converted into a mosque and then completely rebuilt by the descendents of the exiled Umayyads-the first Islamic dynasty who had originally ruled from their capital Damascus from 661 until 750. Following the overthrow of his family in Damascus Prince Abd al-Rahman l escaped to southern Spain. He established control and tried to recreate the grandeur of Damascus in his new capital, Cordoba.

Moorish design along with Christian symbols

Moorish design along with Christian symbols

Ceiling Panels

Ceiling Panels

Relics from the Mosque Cathedral

Relics from the Mosque Cathedral

Christian History Inside

Christian History Inside

More Signs of Christianity

More Signs of Christianity

Showing the Muslim Influence

Showing the Muslim Influence

Capilla de Santa Teresa

In the center of the chapel is the "Monstrance", made by the German goldsmith Enrique de Arfe, an authentic jewel of the Cathedral's treasury. Cast and chiseled in silver between the years 1514 and 1518 it represented a new conception of professional goldsmithing.

Tomb of Cardinal Salazar

Tomb of Cardinal Salazar

Baroque Eucharistic Offering Urn

Baroque Eucharistic Offering Urn

Chapel of St Teresa

Chapel of St Teresa

The Virgin with the Child

The Virgin with the Child

The Chapel of Saint Teresa

The Chapel of Saint Teresa

Archway in the Capilla de Santa Teresa

Archway in the Capilla de Santa Teresa

St Teresa and St John of the Cross

Teresa of Avila and John met when she was 52 and he was 25. They both worked toward religious reform and developed a deep and lasting friendship. Both saints came to their understanding of poverty from different perspectives. Teresa was born into a well to do family whereas John was born into poverty and able to continue his education through the  care and compassion of others. Both were among the acclaimed writers of the spiritual life and able to articulate well their own mystical experiences. Both became saints and doctors of the church.

Bas Relief of St Idelfonso in The Great Mosque

Bas Relief of St Idelfonso in The Great Mosque

The Mechanics Behind the Clock

The Mechanics Behind the Clock

Depiction of the Immaculate Conception

Depiction of the Immaculate Conception

Men doing Restoration work in the Mosque Cathedral

Men doing Restoration work in the Mosque Cathedral

One of the Cathedral Side Altars

One of the Cathedral Side Altars

The Incredible Ceiling

The Incredible Ceiling

The Main Altar in the Cathedral

The Main Altar in the Cathedral

The Choir Area and Organ

The Choir Area and Organ

The Beauty of the Main Altar

The Beauty of the Main Altar

Note the amount of Detail

Note the amount of Detail

More Ornate Ceilings

More Ornate Ceilings

The Mosque Cathedral of Cordoba

The Mosque Cathedral of Cordoba

Christian Altar with Biblical Scenes

Christian Altar with Biblical Scenes

Panoramic View of the Main Altar

Panoramic View of the Main Altar

Panoramic of the Detail Work

Panoramic of the Detail Work

Stained Glass

Stained Glass

Roman Missal

Roman Missal

Immense Doors

Immense Doors

Medieval Islamic History

Medieval Islamic History

The West Door of the Mosque Cathedral

The West Door of the Mosque Cathedral

More Ceiling Décor

More Ceiling Décor

Ceiling over the West Door

Ceiling over the West Door

Moorish Ceiling

Moorish Ceiling

Chapel of the Conception

Chapel of the Conception

Painted Ceiling

Painted Ceiling

Ceiling of the Mosque Cathedral

Ceiling of the Mosque Cathedral

Moorish Arches in the Mosque Cathedral

Moorish Arches in the Mosque Cathedral

Another Angle of the Moorish Arches

Another Angle of the Moorish Arches

Gated Chapel in the Mosque Cathedral

Gated Chapel in the Mosque Cathedral

Street Across from the Mosque Cathedral

Street Across from the Mosque Cathedral

A Musician Entertaining the Crowd

A Musician Entertaining the Crowd

Mom enjoying a Spanish Omelet (Tortilla) after the Visit to the Mosque

Spanish omelet or tortilla is a traditional dish from Spain. It is an essential part of the Spanish cuisine.It is an omelet made of eggs and potatoes and optionally onions. It is often served at room temperature as a tapa.

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